Kiah Lookout Site Investigation

Edge has assisted Blue Mountains City Council and Ascent Consulting Engineers in the investigation of subsurface conditions along Cliff Drive Katoomba, near Solitary Café, Kiah Lookout.  The purpose of our work was to facilitate the drilling of two boreholes within Cliff Drive, and sample the underlying rock to provide input into design of new possible […]


Soil Tests for New Residential Dwellings

June 2018 : Influx of Requests for Soil Test for New Residential Dwellings Edge has received an influx of requests for soil tests for new residential dwellings in the upper Blue Mountains, Hartley Valley and Lithgow Areas.  A range of site investigation options are available, depending on the type of development and site location. Whether […]


Permeable Pavement Design – Inverell

Otho Street, Inverell Edge has assisted City Green Urban Landscape Solutions and Inverell Shire Council in the design of a new permeable pavement in the central median area of Otho Street, Inverell.  The purpose of the design was to allow construction of a permeable pavement over buried modules filled with soil and growing media and […]