Permeable Pavement Design – Inverell

Otho Street, Inverell

Edge has assisted City Green Urban Landscape Solutions and Inverell Shire Council in the design of a new permeable pavement in the central median area of Otho Street, Inverell.  The purpose of the design was to allow construction of a permeable pavement over buried modules filled with soil and growing media and the strategic placement of openings for new Pin Oak trees.

MP1799 Otho St Inverell NSW Social

Image by Joe Gooden of City Green Australasia.  

5617 018 (Large)

Image by David Tooby of King & Campbell

The new Otho Street was opened in May 2018.  Read more about it here:

Inverell Council: Otho Street Renewal Plan

City Green Australasia: Otho Street News 

Feature Image by City Green Australasia.